Free Shipping On Orders Above 199

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The information available on this website is for general purposes only. The information is provided and updated by PlantsBazar and we are committed to keeping it correct and up to date. We do not guarantee the accuracy, suitability, reliability, completeness, and relatability of any information contained on our website. By visiting this website, you agree to access all the information at your own risk.

This website may link to other websites which may show you any type of information, text, or visuals. PlantsBazar will not be responsible for all those elements and their policies.

We are not liable for any damage and loss occurring to the users whether it is directly or indirectly arising due to any connection with this website. We have taken all the steps to make this website fully secured and safe for our users. But, we do not guarantee a constant working of this site when things go out of our control.

Shipping and Delivery Disclaimer

The estimated delivery time will depend on several things including the availability of the product, destination, and the type of product you have ordered.

The delivery may take longer due to various reasons such as bad weather, political disruption, or any other undetectable situation. We keep you notified about the late or cancelled deliveries by suitable mediums. You are advised to check your Email inbox regularly once you place an order from us.

For these delicate items like flowers and plants, we will be trying for the delivery only once. You are advised to give proper delivery information and contact information. Any wrong information may lead to a failed delivery for which you may or may not get the refunds. The order may get cancelled for several reasons. The most common ones are as follows.

  • Recipient not available
  • Given premises locked or not available
  • Wrong delivery address
  • The recipient refuses to take the order

You can ask us to deliver your orders to the neighbours, gate if you are not available at your house, office, or any other premises. You are advised to give us proper delivery and contact information. You are responsible for any wrong information by which your order may get cancelled.

We may work with third-party delivery services which may collect your delivery information. But, they will be bound to never expose or use your personal information for any purpose. In case of any type of hassle, enquiry, or complaint, you are advised to get in touch with us using our contact details.